KWITbox is unique because it was built to fill the gaps in your supply chain where information and process are lacking. These gaps exist between your vendors and your business, within your business and when your business ships products to customers. Gaps include:
• Inventory is not tracked sufficiently or is missing critical data
• Data captured is not validated so mistakes happen, and no one knows about it until it is too late
• Process is non-existent and you rely upon emails to organize employees, 3rd party and vendor actions
• You cannot see what you need to see to do your job better
Our pre-built supply chain compositions serve as a starting point to Know What’s In The Box or inspiration for you to compose your own supply chain gap filler.

Your existing ERP, WMS, TMS, etc. were not made to do what you need it to do. Modifying these applications is costly, time consuming and typically a last resort because IT doesn’t want to have to support custom software.
Usually, these existing applications lack the data and the process(es) you need to improve your supply chain. The data they do have and the processes they do support, however, need to remain untouched. Any and all data they require must be provided to them or they fail to work.

Supply chain gaps are now a thing of the past. Our composable software allows your team to rapidly define the data, process, logic and output required to fill supply chain gaps. KWITbox then rapidly composes your solution in a matter of days, allowing you to rapidly explore and adjust the solution until it is ‘just right’.
If you’d like to get an idea of what you can build, these four pre-packaged solutions tend to spark the imagination of supply chain experts:
• ASN+
• Compliance
• Zone Skipping
• Priority Sync